Posts tagged family

So, Halloween has never been my favorite.  But during the last few years it has really grown on me!  We're starting to establish some really fun family traditions.  We do the usual pumpkin carving and this year we added some simple art projects while listening to some silly Halloween music.  I even taught the boys a part of the Michael Jackson Thriller dance!  It was so fun.  I grew up loving to dance, so that was kind of fun for me.  

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a homeschool life conversation with brandi mcintosh

With some difficulty (not a morning person) I rise around 7 each morning and get started on breakfast.  This morning Ellie surprised me with eggs ready.  She's my early bird and frequently helps in this way, knowing how much it helps her morning zombie of a mama out.  (Mamas of young children - easier days - they are coming)!  By the time breakfast is ready, the younger kids are up and Gavin (15) joins us with a little help. ;) We've all agreed we prefer to get going somewhat early so that we can move through our day at an unhurried pace and have time for what matters. 

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a homeschool life conversation with jesika harmon

We are the Harmons! Robbie, aka the Principal who the students actually want to get sent to visit; Jesika, aka the teacher/mom who some days flies by the seat of her pants; Bree, aka the sweet 9 year old who loves everything art, history and music, and not so much anything math this year; Gabe, aka the 7 year old who rolls his eyes at reading unless it has to do with animals and college sports teams; McKay, aka the 5 year old who is trying to find his place as the third child and has all the sport/math/reading talent as his older siblings but kindawants to be different; and Quinn, aka the 3 year old ballerina who reminds mom that she has to do “her math and grammar” every day too.

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grumpiness and a gorgeous autumn day

Ever have those mornings where there's a general aura of grumpiness going around? Maybe not in your home, but it occasionally happens in our home. I think it usually relates to one sort of stress or another when it comes from me or my husband, and when it comes from one of the kids, I can oftentimes correlate it to not enough sleep or some sort of little sickness (a cold or something) making it's way through our home. Either way, the reality is that sometimes grumpiness takes a bit of a hold on us.

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alaska part ii

Here are more Alaska pictures.  I have so many that I could not fit them all into one post!  We had so many adventures there.  My sweet mother-in-law is an angel and took the boys so Jeremiah and I could spend time out.  It was a blast!  We did a ton of exploring.  Some moments cannot be adequately captured with a camera--so these pictures may not do justice to the experience.  But they are fun to look back on and remember!

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