Posts in Motherhood
sunny in any light

Sunny in any light. The title of a sunflower-filled watercolor painting in my mother and father-in-law's home and the inspiration for a beautiful bouquet filled with  sunflowers and lilacs they sent to Jeremiah and me on Monday. I love the title "sunny in any light" and I love the imagery it brings to my mind. Even when difficult trials surround us, we can carry God's light within us to help us through. 

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mothers, listen with your heart

The other morning Matthew rushed into me with a sweet smile and twinkling eyes.  I was working on something at the kitchen table.  "I have a secret for you," he said.  "But you'll have to listen with your heart."  I stopped what I was doing and turned sideways in the chair to face him.  He'd never said that before, and the profoundness of the last part struck me.  "Okay, I'd love to hear your secret."

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