When we nurture strong relationships with our children, in a very real way, they become moldable clay in our hands. This is not to say that they don’t have their own unique personalities, characteristics, and talents—but when we put in the time and energy to build relationships, they feel that Christlike love and energy from us as parents. And when that Christlike love is present, our children have soft, open hearts towards us and what we do.
Read MoreMount up with wings as eagles. I love that phrase and imagery taken from Isaiah chapter 40. I want to “mount up with wings as eagles” figuratively in how I live life! Here are some of my thoughts on this topic.
Lately I have been thinking about seasons and energy and rest and goals and revelation. Maybe it’s because in my heart I want to do so much! But this season has been an exhausting one for me —wonderful, wonderful blessings, but none-the-less exhausting! It has been an intensive season of work. I think most any mother can relate.
Read MoreToday and tonight I finished some last-minute homeschool preparations. I penciled in our schedule and wrote out some things I’m hoping we can accomplish this year. I penciled in practice schedules and games. I tried to visualize how to fit it all in. Tonight my husband gave us beautiful back-to-school blessings. My boys each received one, and I received one too (maybe because I need it more than my boys)?! Truly, though, homeschooling requires heavenly help. It’s a big undertaking.
Read MoreThis past week our precious Elijah turned one! I cannot believe it. In so many ways this year has flown and yet so very much has happened! Elijah is an absolute blessing to our family. He is wonderfully natured and loves to laugh and be happy. His brothers adore him. He loves his daddy and he is a total mama’s boy. I’m not complaining.
Read MoreToday was one of those stay-at-home all day beautiful kind of days. We continued our homeschool astronomy study (this unit has been so much fun with my boys), and we just enjoyed being together. Some days I'm craving to get out of the house--but today, it just felt nice to stay home and do our school and take the time we need to do the things we want and need to do. We are currently staying at my mother and father-in-law's winter home since we sold our house a few weeks ago and are trying to figure out where we are going to move next! We are down in the desert in the community I grew up in. It's been really nice to be here. A beautiful desert rainstorm rolled in during the early afternoon, and we enjoyed every blessed moment of it! The air here is so fresh, and after a rainstorm, there is a wonderful sagey scent in the air. I think it's one of the freshest scents in the world!
Read MoreI feel like we've been taking every possible opportunity lately to enjoy ourselves and set aside work to go have fun! I think we are weary from the whirlwind of the last ten months in our last house. I never like to dwell on negative stuff or any of that--but it was a difficult time for us (my guess is that at sometime most people experience difficult times)? Anyway, to be down south in the sunshine, and to have the opportunity to soak up some nature and beauty, and to have the privilege of being near family is an incredible blessing! We recognize that, and we are taking advantage of it!
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