a good day

I feel like we've been taking every possible opportunity lately to enjoy ourselves and set aside work to go have fun!  I think we are weary from the whirlwind of the last ten months in our last house.  I never like to dwell on negative stuff or any of that--but it was a difficult time for us (my guess is that at sometime most people experience difficult times)? Anyway, to be down south in the sunshine, and to have the opportunity to soak up some nature and beauty, and to have the privilege of being near family is an incredible blessing! We recognize that, and we are taking advantage of it!

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That is why when my beautiful (and newly-homeschooling) sister-in-law texted me about joining up on a spontaneous hike, without hesitation I said yes! One of the blessings of homeschooling is taking advantage of doing things that we feel we need (and want) to do versus doing things we feel we have to do. And I am grateful for it.

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Spending time with some older cousins (who are girls!) is so fun. Sometimes I feel like we need an extra dose of femininity over this house of boys! And my sweet, beautiful nieces are just the thing!

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But my boys are also blessed with ample amounts of cousins around their same age (I think they have 8 or so cousins who are boys right around the same age! 😊), so it's so much fun!

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Then Aunt Koni invited  to come swimming. SO MUCH FUN! 

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One of my very favorite things about being here is my time spent talking with my sister-in-law Koni. I should have taken a photo of us! We talk and watch our children play, and it's just such a blessing. Everyone needs a Koni; the kind of friend who sees the best in you and with whom you can talk about ideas and just feel supported by! Thanks, Koni, for your continued friendship through the years!


Hoping my boys will similarly develop that caliber of friends in their life. Such a gift!


Oh, the joy of a little boy with a squirt gun!


Growing up I always heard about the endangered desert tortoise, and this is the first time I saw one! Pretty incredible. It was hanging out at the entrance of the park right by the ranger, so I'm hoping (assuming) the ranger on duty was looking out after its safety. It was at the side of the road.


Anyway, I'm grateful for sunshiny days like this. They are renewing to the soul. xo