school lately
Homeschool is such a full experience. I attempted to express my feelings about it the other day to my husband as we drove. It's as though my love for my children has deepened and expanded through this experience. That's interesting because I didn't think that love could increase because it was so great--but it has.
This is a photo of the picture Matthew drew for me as a surprise because I was sick last week. Isn't it the sweetest?!! And his face says it all. I am so blessed to have him.
I was trying to hypothesize to my husband why I think my love has increased for my children through this experience. I think, in part, it has to do with the increased reverence I have watching them learn. It is incredible! God's children are born with hungry minds anxious to learn and soak in everything! And it's a real privelege to be such an integral part of it.
Matthew's composition book entry from the other day. How precious is this??! He decides what he wants to write in it. Reading it is a great reminder that oftentimes children most value the simplest things.
Most of the time our days go pretty well. But then sometimes we have an off day where it's just tough! We had that yesterday. What I can say is that we made it through. Then we spent the afternoon at the pool, and that was such a great thing for all of us!
We each have a cubby with our school supplies. I labeled the boys' suplies, and Matthew was so sweet and labeled mine! You bet I took a picture of it. Little kind acts like this melt my heart.
I love home, and I love being home...but not all the time. I find if we're home too much, I go stir crazy! And so do the boys. Getting out of the house is incredibly important. Being involved in outside activities is important. And getting out with friends is important.
And some things just make me laugh! Like the day when Matthew showed me his very loose tooth, and Abe went and grabbed a Kleenex and said "Don't worry. I get it out!!" He didn't actually pull it out, but he tried, and it was so funny! I love the friendship they are building.
With young children and homeschool, we work on simple things such as taking care of our work. The picture above is a photo of a makeshift calendar I made for Abraham. We use the calendar everyday to go over the date and numbers and patterns. Abe tore his one day. The following day I found the calendar in Abe's cubby all taped together. Matthew told me proudly that he had taped the torn piece on to help Abe. I loved that simple act of kindness.
Also, I have loved our writing / literature / reading / spelling curriculum. We are using Institute for Excellence in Writing. So far using that curiculum, we have helped Matthew improve his technique in writing. It also includes fun games to reinforce the concepts (which is an essential thing for Matthew because he gets bored if there aren't fun things involved). It's very Charlotte Mason and TJEd compatible (which I love incorporating those approaches in our school).
I notice that two-year-old Abraham is picking up on so many things just by being present. I try to do activities with him when he wants to, and he joins in on a lot of things. I can see that this school experience is very enriching for him as well.
One of my favorite things we've done so far is memorizing. Matthew memorized the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. I'm so proud of him! We've also memorized about 4 verses of scripture as well as we have learned a few songs. I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but one of my favorite things is helping to fill my children's minds with good things. And once something is memorized then you can take it anywhere you go!
I also love that I know where my children are on how they are progressing with their learning. I don't have to rely on some else's assessment, I get to see it everyday! Homeschooling also has helped me recognize to a greater degree what talents and gifts my children have been blessed with. It's also providing me the opportunity to recognize what things we need to work on more.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again--our homeschool is not perfect! Daily I'm trying to be better, more patient, more efficient with my time, etc. And in some moments I've thought, "It would be so much easier to send them off to school!" But then I stop and think about that. And quickly remember that my heart is here. At home. Homeschooling. Working one-one-one with these precious children God has sent me. Then I step back and look at the whole of it. Our homeschooling really is a beautiful experience, and I am grateful. xo