alaska part ii
Here are more Alaska pictures. I have so many that I could not fit them all into one post! We had so many adventures there. My sweet mother-in-law is an angel and took the boys so Jeremiah and I could spend time out. It was a blast! We did a ton of exploring. Some moments cannot be adequately captured with a camera--so these pictures may not do justice to the experience. But they are fun to look back on and remember!
Welcome to Halibut Cove--one of the dreamiest spots on earth (to me).
Jeremiah on a work call. He worked a bit while we were there, and we are grateful for the flexibility his work allows.
This place truly is even dreamier than it appears in this photo. While we were there we toured Diana Tillion's art studio. She and her husband homesteaded Halibut Cove, and wow, what an inspiring woman! She is well known for her originality in painting with octopus ink. She figured out how to milk the octopuses without injuring them. Her artwork is truly incredible. She passed away in 2010, but is remembered for her graciousness and vibrant life. Visiting her gallery and subsequently learning more about her life left a profound influence on me. Maybe I will write more on that later. For now, wow--what an experience!
The color of the water!!
This was an incredible day. I wish we would have brought our swimsuits! It was that warm. Typically people think of Alaska as being cold all of the time. In some places, it is, but on the south central tip, you get days like these. The boys ran and played and got super sandy, muddy, and wet! It was tough to wash out of our clothes, but worth every moment.
The way Jeremiah watches out for his dad is something special. Eighteen years ago, Larry was given two weeks to live with terminal brain cancer. He is a walking miracle.
Eating the raspberries almost as fast as we picked them.
Our land!!
She is such a loving Grandmother.
Greenhouse goals.
I loved going out to the greenhouse and picking something to eat. Alaska has unique summers with uniquely amazing sunlight--so things grow super quickly.
The boys got so spend time with their sweet cousin. These three have a lot of energy!
Jeremiah in his element.
The glass house. What a dreamy spot!
This was such a fun day. We took four wheelers out with my brother and sister-in-law at low tide all along the beach and up at the top of the bay. We barely made it back to the cars since high tide came in, and there was no accessible way to get the four wheelers back on a passable road. Made for such a fun memory! And love this guy so much.
Another look at our land. I love this place so much.